
United Offshore Services (UOS) is the European technology leader in the design, production and supply of large diameter, high performance steel-wire and synthetic rope hoisting equipment and associated products intended for the marine and offshore markets. UOS has grown to meet the demands dictated by its customers with a strong reputation for quality, expertise and service. The office, production and storage facilities are located in Moerdijk, the Netherlands in a busy industrial area with deep water harbour facilities for loading / discharging of barges / sea going vessels making it a perfect location for the handling of heavy equipment. The 5.000 square metres production hall is equipped with a 1300 Mt tension test machine, a 2500 Mt swaging press, two large diameter splicing units and an extraordinary machine for the production of large diameter cable-laid ropes. A separate hall houses a unique machine for the production of gigantic cable-laid grommets.

Edwin Jefferies
+31 653 772640
Appelweg 16
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