Miros AS
Miros is a technology company specializing in measuring real-time ocean insights. Miros provides crucial data for weather- and motion-sensitive operations to enhance safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability for global maritime industries. Miros offers radar-based wave measurement technology for real-time ocean surface measurement. (Wavex, RangeFinder, WaveSystem). Miros’ radar technology facilitates remote monitoring and diagnostics of offshore […]
PASSER Group as
PASSER Group is a leading solution provider for cable handling equipment maximizing cable fabrication capacity and minimizing damage and downtime during transportation, installation and operation of energy projects. PASSER Group capabilities are covering all phases of the cable lifecycle.
Raising the bar in wind data and intelligence, TGS provides unique, data-driven insights and solutions for offshore wind development. We support you at every stage of the wind development lifecycle. Our products include market intelligence tools like the 4C Offshore dashboard and app, subsea cable consulting for infrastructure insights, and wind and metocean measurements to […]
Møllerodden AS
Møllerodden AS is known for being a worldwide high-quality supplier of lifting equipment to the offshore and onshore industry. The Company was established in the 1960s and continues to take pride in being known for high-quality products and efficient deliveries. Having been in business for more than 50 years, Møllerodden has built a reputation for […]
Hampidjan Advant
Back in 1994, Hampidjan sold its first super-rope to the oil industry, replacing a steel wire on a seismic vessel. In the years to follow, the oil industry has become an increasingly important segment of Hampidjan‘s operations, leading to the development of a number of tailor-made products for the industry, including powerful lifting straps used […]
Mounted between the hook and the load, Cranemaster shock absorbers and heave compensators expands your vessel capabilities while protecting your crane, lifted object and personnel. The result is improved operational weather window, reduced probability of snap loads and reduced heave motion._x000D_ _x000D_ Typical applications include: Shock absorption • Pile run protection • Splash zone crossing […]